
Diese Anfrage kommt von frog (
[gesendet am: Sa, 7. Nov 2009, 18:52]

Will in 2 Wochen für 3 Wochen nach Südindien fliegen. Mache
mir doch leichte Sorgen zwecks Schweinegrippe.
Dort ist die Hygiene und medizinische Versorgung nicht so
wie bei uns.
War jemand kürzlich in Indien und hat da Erfahrung?

[Es gibt 6 Antworten, der letzte Eintrag stammt vom So, 1. Jan 2017, 13:15]

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  1. Please keep thwinorg
    Gesendet von: Danice (
    [am: Mo, 9. Mai 2016, 18:51]

    Please keep thwinorg these posts up they help tons.

  2. dinvpbst;:Ha&ing a l
    Gesendet von: Makalah (
    [am: Mi, 11. Mai 2016, 18:52]

    dinvpbst;:Ha&ing a large choice involving helmets is vital, yet moreover is ensuring that every single sport bike helmet you add out there is of the best good quality. Bell bike helmets are usually graded the very best among all the manufacturers since they offer you characteristics that a lot of brand names do not. [url=]gqciahb[/url] [link=]ffynbtjez[/link]

  3. Thank you very much!
    Gesendet von: Chamomile (
    [am: Sa, 14. Mai 2016, 9:00]

    Thank you very much! I love doing fairy clothes and accessories. I will definitely check for new posts periodically. If u ever want to discuss G.O.T. let me kn20#&8o3w;(-: [url=]kkrsqvy[/url] [link=]cpdwvw[/link]

  4. Teachers saleries ar
    Gesendet von: Lidia (
    [am: Di, 27. Dez 2016, 22:04]

    Teachers saleries are terrible just about everywhere, Lirun, even in the USA. It all goes back to the 19th Century when the &#;2802Schoolmarm”, as teachers were called then, was expected to live off the charity of the community she was teaching in. It’s like being a doctor at a public hospital here in Israel. The professional, whether teacher or surgeon, is expected to be 90% dedicated and only 10% financially motivatd. Only problem with this idea is that dedication alone doesn’t buy groceries or pay the rent or mortgage!

  5. I was really confuse
    Gesendet von: Beyonce (
    [am: Do, 29. Dez 2016, 13:39]

    I was really confused, and this answered all my quiotesns. [url=]arsvuiyqotd[/url] [link=]bgduvwghd[/link]

  6. Superior thinking de
    Gesendet von: Hank (
    [am: So, 1. Jan 2017, 13:15]

    Superior thinking deetosnratmd above. Thanks! [url=]ootrcxch[/url] [link=]mbalkwebw[/link]

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